Autoimmune Hope

Empower yourself with the knowledge of how and why autoimmune disease occurs, and uncover the science-based Functional Medicine approach to its reversal and prevention. Without using harmful medications that cause nasty side effects


Autoimmune disease does not have to be a life sentence of suffering 🚫

Fear and anxiety are often common companions to autoimmune disease

Doctors tell you they don't know why it's happening or say it's "manageable" with medication, leaving you hopeless and worried about a lifetime of sickness.

Research indicates one autoimmune disease means more are on the way

The potential of being diagnosed with another autoimmune disease can
create worry, challenge hope, and
negatively affect your daily routine.

Science shows there is an increased risk of autoimmune disease for loved ones

A disrupted immune system raises the chances of children and family members developing autoimmune disease, which can be heart-wrenching if it has already begun.

The time to ignite your hope is now! Reversal and

prevention of autoimmune disease IS possible

When you become empowered with the science-backed knowledge of how and why autoimmune disease happens. Along with the Functional Medicine approach to reversing and preventing future disease, your hope becomes grounded in reality.

The science is clear, we know what triggers autoimmune disease and how to reverse progression. The Functional Medicine protocols for reversal and prevention, challenge the status quo and fire big pharma. Traditional medicine has yet to catch up but you and your family don’t have to keep suffering.

Your body's healing intelligence knows what to do to and it needs the right support to be fully empowered. As you learn to address the root cause of autoimmune disease, family and friends will ask how you achieved what so many doctors said was impossible. You'll be able to help others ignite hope, improve health and it will be incredibly fulfilling.

This Autoimmune Hope course empowers you with...

The Science of How & Why!

Your body is very complex and also very logical. By delving into the science of solving the root cause of autoimmune disease, you become an active participant in your health transformation rather than a passive observer.

The Autoimmune Functional Medicine Approach

Hope gets ignited and you become empowered when you understand the science of Functional Medicine, that makes reversal and prevention of autoimmune disease possible.

Hope, Inspiration & Action Steps

Your body's healing intelligence needs support through nutrition, exercise, supplements, detoxification, trauma clearing, and relaxation strategies. Learn when to test, what to test, lifestyle changes to make and protocols to follow to solve the root cause.


Autoimmune Hope

A Science-Based Functional Medicine Revolution

Empower yourself with the knowledge of how and why autoimmune disease occurs, and uncover the science-based Functional Medicine approach to reversal and prevention.

This course will teach you – step-by-step – where autoimmune disease comes from, why and how it happens and what you need to do to reverse progression and prevent future disease.

After completing this course, you’ll be empowered with science most traditional doctors don’t know. You'll be filled with hope and inspiration, which are key to your healing.

The foundation of your healing process is YOU KNOWING your body is built to fix itself. By the end of this course you'll also be empowered with the action steps needed to support your body's natural healing abilities to reverse and prevent autoimmunity.

Hello 👋 - I'm Dr. David Bilstrom. I'm a quadruple board certified Medical Doctor that has specialized in reversing and preventing autoimmune disease for the last 20 years. My board certifications are in Functional & Regenerative Medicine, Integrative Medicine, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, and Medical Acupuncture.

20 years ago, my young son had debilitating allergies, traditional medicine said his health would only get worse.

I’m like you, I refused to accept a lifetime diagnosis of pain and suffering. At that point, I was a 10 year practicing physician, with a track record of helping some of the most sick get better. I tried many types of medicine to heal my son both eastern and western and finally Functional Medicine reversed his debilitating condition.

It inspired me to start using Functional Medicine to help autoimmune disease patients. People who had been suffering for years and decades got better. It was humbling and inspiring and it’s become my life’s mission to revolutionize the way autoimmune disease is treated worldwide by teaching the fundamentals of Functional Medicine.

I help thousands of patients a year reverse their conditions and prevent new ones. Entire families get healthier because the fundamentals work for any age or stage of life.

Some patients say “it’s a miracle” and I remind them, your body’s natural healing intelligence is always moving towards wellness. You just need to give it the holistic support it needs to do what it’s designed to do. Keep you healthy, happy and strong well into your 90s.

Here is what you'll learn

These are all the
lessons you’ll get within the course.

Lessons range from 3 to 7 minutes.
Some a bit shorter, some a bit longer.
Audio and video of these lessons is available.

A Father's Hope: Healing My Son Through Functional Medicine

I share my story of how Functional Medicine reversed my son's condition when nothing else worked and how it became the catalyst to my life's mission.

What is Autoimmune Disease & The Dangers of Ignorance and Band-aid Solutions

Dive into the complexities of autoimmune disease, learn from the tragic case of Glenn Frey, and see why it's crucial to address the underlying cause, not just the symptoms.

Behind the Scenes: What Really Causes Autoimmune Disease

Explore the hidden truths of autoimmune disease as we uncover the real factors that cause immune system disruption, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at this complex condition.

The Unity of Autoimmune Disease: Unveiling its Singular Nature

Uncover the interconnected world of autoimmune disease, shared mechanisms, and Lady Gaga's struggle, emphasizing the importance of a root cause approach to healing.

Understanding Autoimmune Triggers: Genetics, Environment, and Health Terrain

Explore the variety of factors involved in autoimmune triggers, including genetic predispositions, environmental influences, and the importance of maintaining optimal health terrain.

Early Alarm Bells: Recognizing the Telltale Signs of Autoimmune Imbalance

Discover the early warning signs and indicators of autoimmune imbalance, empowering you to recognize the telltale signals and take proactive steps towards restoring optimal health.

The Epigenetic Blueprint: Unlocking the Potential to Rewire Your Genes

Delve into the fascinating world of epigenetics, where you'll learn how to reshape the genetic destiny of both yourself and your children, paving the way for a healthier and more vibrant future and family.

Healing from Within: Unraveling the Impact of Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs) on Health and Gene Expression

Discover how adverse childhood events (ACEs) shape gene expression and contribute to chronic disease, and learn empowering strategies to heal from within, clear toxic emotions and reverse

The X Factor: Understanding the X Chromosome's Influence on Women's Health and Autoimmunity

Discover the hidden influence of the X chromosome on women's health and its pivotal role in driving autoimmune disease, shedding light on the complex relationship between genetics and immune dysfunction.

Testing for Transformation: Empowering Your Journey to Better Health

Elevate your understanding of testing, harnessing its power to decode your health story with precision and embark on a journey of profound healing and self-discovery.

Cortisol: The Forgotten Hormone that Holds the Key to Reversal and Prevention of Autoimmune Disease

Uncover the hidden power of cortisol, the forgotten hormone that plays a vital role in your body's healing process. Explore how cortisol impacts stress, exercise, and crucial physiological functions.

Unlocking Resilience: Techniques to Heal from Adverse Childhood Events

Explore practical strategies to address the hidden effects of adverse childhood events (ACEs) and strengthen your journey of healing and resilience. Learn effective techniques to overcome the impact of past traumas and promote well-being.

Empowered Eating: Mastering Food Sensitivities with Practical Strategies and Tools

Discover techniques to identify and address delayed hypersensitivity reactions, and explore practical methods like elimination diets and food challenges to pinpoint inflammatory trigger foods.

Fast Your Way to Wellness: Healing Your Gut Through the Ancient Practice of Fasting

Dive into the ancient practice of fasting and its profound impact on gut health and stem cell activation. Learn practical strategies to heal your gut, support digestive wellness, and tap into the regenerative potential of your body through fasting.

Supplement Deception: The Truth Behind Over-the-Counter Products and the Necessity of Nutraceuticals

Discover the shocking truth about over-the-counter supplements and explore why nutraceuticals are essential for healing and why you will never reverse autoimmune disease using OTC supplements.

Empowering Your Immune System: What Supplements are Good for Reversing Autoimmunity

Explore immune-boosting supplements and learn how they can play a vital role in reversing autoimmune disease. Gain insights into specific supplements that have shown results in supporting immune function and combating autoimmunity.

The Magic of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN): A Game-Changing Medication for Immune System Balance

Discover the remarkable potential of low dose naltrexone (LDN) as a game-changing medication for achieving immune system balance. Explore LDN's unique properties
to reverse autoimmune disease and restore optimal immune function.

You are Invited to Live Q&A Sessions With Me

Your situation will have some unique aspects that may not have been addressed here. Let's get together for a live question and answer session to keep
the progress of your transformation growing stronger every day.

Why create a course for igniting hope that autoimmune disease can be reversed and prevented?

Autoimmune disease is a top 10 killer of all women in the United States from birth to 65 years of age. It is estimated, in the US alone, 50 million people have an autoimmune disease. 80% of which are women. In my office, the majority of women I see are moms which means if they don't reverse their autoimmune disease it significantly increases the risk their kids and spouse will soon have symptoms (and usually they already do). It degrades the quality of life for your entire family.

The fundamentals can be implemented by anyone. They work for all ages and stages of autoimmune disease.

As my office waiting list continues to grow, so does the epidemic that is autoimmune disease. You should not have to wait to start creating relief today!

Once you learn the fundamentals, I know you'll be so inspired you'll share with your family, friends, and even strangers.

Most doctors don't know the information within this course. Traditional medical school doesn't teach it. I'm working to change that by giving lectures in as many countries as I can and offering an autoimmune disease experts course for practitioners.

However, it is individuals like you that will drive the biggest change. The system won't change until the people stand up and demand change.

You need to know how simple and effective the Functional Medicine science is. Once you know, you will understand why it's my mission to revolutionize how autoimmune disease is treated worldwide teaching the fundamentals of Functional Medicine.

You do not need to keep suffering, living in fear and anxiety about what the future of your health will look like.

This course will ignite your hope and empower you with an incredible foundation of education and action steps to start shifting the the trajectory of your health today!

This Is For You If:

  • You're a holistically-minded individual interested in taking charge of your health outcomes.

  • You enjoy learning the science of how your body works and how health and illness is created.

  • You or a loved one have an autoimmune disease or immune system deregulation that you want to fix before it gets worse.

  • You have a willingness to study the course material and take action steps to create better health.

  • Ideally, you will have the desire to share what you learn with others. Even compassionately with your medical practitioners who are unaware. Medicine is a vast field of study and often physicians struggle to find the time to learn a new way to practice medicine. Through grace, kindness, and your living example you can show them. Gifting them a copy of my book would also help!

This Is Not For You If:

  • You're not interested in learning about functional and integrative medicine

  • You're not interested in learning about the causes and how to reverse autoimmune disease.

  • You are unwilling to commit 2 hours to study the course material.

  • You’re looking for a quick fix, band-aid solution autoimmune disease

  • You don’t believe that autoimmune disease can be reversed or prevented


"I had Graves’ disease for 4 years. Dr. Bilstrom changed my life by addressing the root cause of my problem, inflammation. Since starting his protocols, I feel healthier and more vital than ever before."

Kortney Olson

“I’ve been dealing with autoimmune disease-related illness for 15 years. My previous doctors were incurious and wanted me to simply take a pill to counter symptoms without actually addressing the root causes of my illness. Today I feel like a new person. I haven’t felt this good since high school. Dr. Bilstrom has given me my quality of life back.”

Brent Wilson

“Dr. Bilstrom has improved my quality of life. He has done more for me in a few months than any of the doctors I have seen over the last 10 years. He truly cares about helping his patients.”

Jenny Jones

Frequently Asked Questions

What does this course include?

The course includes:

• Lifetime access to engaging and highly informative videos, including all updates.

• Audio files of all videos

• PDF Course Guides

• One live Q&A Group Event with Dr. Bilstrom (if you can't attend, you can submit your questions anonymously and receive the recording).

• Access to all past Live Q&A events - a huge wealth of knowledge!

• Health transforming insights that can improve the quality of life for your and your family!

How much time will this course take?

There are 18 video modules, most are between 3 to 7 minutes.  In total it's about 90 minutes of video content.

There are ebooks based on the video content, those are options and may take another 90 minutes to read through.

If time restrictions are an issue, you may take the course at any pace that works for you. You have lifetime access to this course and any updates that get added.

When will I get access to the course?

As soon as you make your payment you will have access to all of the modules and workbooks.  

Will Dr. Bilstrom be giving me personal medical advice or be my doctor as part of this course?

The information presented here serves an educational purpose and does not serve as a substitute for seeking assistance from a healthcare professional in your area, who can offer personalized medical advice.

Dr. Bilstrom will not provide individualized medical guidance, and investing in Autoimmune Hope does not establish any doctor-patient relationship with him. His aim is to equip and empower you with the necessary knowledge so that you can pursue your health objectives with the guidance and assistance of local healthcare providers when necessary.

How will I access the course?

The course will be hosted in a private portal on a platform called Kajabi. You’ll create a username as you complete the checkout process, and all the videos, audios and PDFs will be accessible on Kajabi’s web platform or mobile app.

How much does this cost?

This investment in your education and health is $67 (and it's an investment that will provide a return for many generations of your family)

Is there a refund policy?

Autoimmune Hope is backed by my 14 Day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.  Experience the course, go through the bonuses and if you are not satisfied, let me know and you’ll get 100% of your money back. 

Who do I contact with other questions?

This course is based on my 20 years of experience helping 1,000+ patients a year reverse autoimmunity

Join today for only $67

Get to the root cause of autoimmune disease

  • Lifetime access to this 90 minute course and it's updates (mobile friendly)

  • One live Q&A Group Session with me. My next Live Q&A is Friday, October 18 at 12:00 pm EST (can't make it? submit your questions, get the recording and join the next live event when you can).

  • Access to all past Live Q&A recordings (a huge wealth of practical tips and protocols)

  • Audios and Videos of all Modules

  • Course PDF Guidebooks

  • Mobile friendly version to study on the go

  • Once a year, "student only" store coupon

  • 14 Day Money Back Guarantee

Guarantee, Refund, And Return Policies

Autoimmune Hope is backed by my 14 Day, no questions asked, satisfaction guarantee. Experience the course, go through the bonuses and if you are not satisfied, let me know and you’ll get 100% of your money back.

You do not need to suffer

Your body's natural healing intelligence knows what to do to and it needs the right support from you to be fully empowered.

Disclaimer: Please note, this course, website and material provided is for educational purposes only. The publisher and author are not responsible for any specific health or allergy needs that may require medical supervision and are not liable for any damages or negative consequences from any treatment, action, application or preparation, to any person reading or following the information in this course, website or materials provided.

Investing in this course does not establish any doctor-patient relationship with Dr Bilstrom. His objective is to equip you with the necessary knowledge so that you can pursue your health objectives with the guidance and assistance of local healthcare providers when necessary.

© 2024 Dr David Bilstrom